e a s t o n
  • Mon-Sat 08:00AM-05:00PM
  • .Suite 16, Penoks Plaza, Penoks Junction by Old Airport Road, Emene, Enugu State.
  • buchane@buchane.com

Buchane safety technology service

Buchane Safety Technology Services

These services are typically tailored to the specific needs and level of risk of the client. Our aim is to ensure our client’s safety while maintaining a low-profile or high-profile presence, depending on the client’s preference.
Security personnel in these roles are often trained in self-defense, threat assessment, and crisis management
-Security consultancy We provide expertise in assessing and enhancing the security of organizations, including physical, digital, and operational aspects. These services can include risk assessments, threat analysis, security audits, and recommendations for improving security measures. Whether it’s cybersecurity, physical security, or overall risk management, security consultants help businesses protect their assets and data.
-Bouncer, body guards and VIP protection We provide specialized security services focused on ensuring the safety and security of individuals, especially high-profile or VIP clients
-Public and community safety projects This project encompass a wide range of initiatives and services aimed at enhancing the safety and well-being of the public within specific communities or regions
-Security supply store These stores cater to a wide range of customers, including homeowners looking to improve home security, businesses seeking to enhance their commercial security, and security professionals in need of specialized equipment. Customers can often receive expert advice on product selection and installation from knowledgeable staff. We sell a wide range of security locks , CCTV camera , electric fence etc.

  • Security cunsultancy
  • Bouncer, Body guards and VIP protection
  • Public and community safety projects
  • Security supply store
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